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What was the happiest day of your life?

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sexyairhead | 15:15 Thu 20th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
54 Answers
Mine is today.I have never been this happy before.When my girlfriend said yesterday that she could not fall in love because she was already in love the girl she was already in love with was me!So as you can imagine I am unbelivably happy!


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Sarcastic AND sweet...? SR, you spoil me.

Serious answer... the day i met my partner. Not for any 'romantic' type reasons, but because i suddenly realised that the 'feeling' i had been missing all my life suddenly had a name.

The overwhelming happiness at finding that out made me cry with joy.
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That is the worst picture I have ever seen of her.She is not even muscely anymore!And yes seriously she is attractive that picture is biased!
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fee-is-me you are so sweet and it is you who has been texting me isn't it?I still don't know and whoever it was got the bad side of my girlfriend when they did text.I need to find out who it was to apologise from her.
she looks like more of a bloke than some men do.
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O.K type her name in google she has a moddeling contract and a deal with gucci.She is also quite thin.That is a terrible picture.
Aw, I picked that one especially for you, SR!
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Sorry well actually it was lovely and so sweet of you but come on she does not look like that!
Being thin wont change the features of her face. She looks like a bloke.
Is that a real puicture whiskeysherri, because if it is I reckon Richard Hillman is alive!! . Eeeugggh what a minger.
Happiest days of my lives were when i was out in Ghana coaching kids football.... puts a smile on my face just thinking of it!
oooppsss... happiest day of my life** only had one....
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No she has a masculine face but a feminine figure.I find her attractive ans she is one of the best tennis players of all time being the current world number one and winning the last two of three major tournaments.Now if you will excuse me I have to do some things infact I do not think I will be able to come back on here today.
;o) @ 4getmenot!
Hang on no its Todd from neighbours isnt it :-) pg
so do some lesbians go for women who look like men? if so, are they really lesbians or could they fancy a bloke with man-boobs and a non hairy chest instead?
ahhhhhhh thats really sweet. mine was marrying my second husband they day was just perfect.
Ha ha Todd Landers in a dress
How much airbrushing went into this one?! ges/ameliephotoshootvid.gif

(tI thought you might like this one, SR!) :o)

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