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Blocked ear

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Lesley1601 | 21:21 Fri 21st Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
Does anyone know an at-home remady for unblocking ear wax? My fiance is suffering terribly, we have no ear drops and pharmacies are closed now (obviously) so any advice given will be gratefully received!!
Many thanks x


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have you got any almond oil, warm it gently on a tea spoon and pour it into the ear then put cotton wool in, works a treat
Question Author
Damn it - no!! Have baby oil, olive oil or omega 3 oil capsules - do any of them work??
Thanks for your reply x
I don't know if any of them work, i just know about the almond oil, sorry
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Thanks anyway much appreciated!!
Warm some olive oil put a few drops in, tilt head for around 15 mins - stick some cotton wool in to stop it running out. Not sure it will unblock it but it will soften it - see GP/duty nurse for syringing if necessary but they won't do it unless you've been softening it for 3-4 days.
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Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x
You're welcome
They have stopped doing syringing where I live,they say it can damage your ears.They recommend warm olive oil...but no cotton wool,has this soaks up the oil and defeats the purpose.Tilt head as country_boy says for 10 minutes or more.good luck...(:-)
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Many thanks. but i've already put the cotton wool in, so i'll see how it goes! should it not work i'll try not putting the cotton wool in!!!! Should this fail, i'm going to fry an egg in my ear as there will be enough oil in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x
hopi ear candles, work a treat
How about a nice long soak in a steamy bath? That should help. I think everyone showers these days and forgets about cleaning ears!
Probably not medically recommended, however I have used one for years without problem and when my son had blocked ear wax the ENT Consultant used a medical instrument with great success that looked very very similar. What you ask? A hairgrip (loop side in to hook out the wax gently) a q tip can sometimes push it further in and impact it. With a Hairgrip you can gently get into it and hook it forward. good Luck. I SAID GOOD LUCK :)
olive oil applied 1-2 times daily, small bit in and put cotton wool with a bit a vasoline on it for water tightness! if no joy go to nurse at gp surgery.
Use a plunger ;o)
forgot to mention, your not supposed to put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear... proper medical advice honest!!

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