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Bad Smell Update Update

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booboopoo | 11:48 Wed 26th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
38 Answers
When I arrived at work this morning HR had a received a letter of resignation from 'Smelly'. Claiming and I quote ' Please except this letter of resignation I was left with no choice but to hand in my notice because of the way YOU have been made to feel ' Why do people like this always blame other people and take no responsibility for their own actions.

She has no appreciation about the fact we had a office collection for the Boots voucher and yes, a ' Thank You ' would of been nice.

I'm personally glad that she has left, she wasn't the most popular or the brightess worker and I feel that she is using this as an excuse.

I hope she finds alternative employment and is very happy at McDonald's


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It must be difficult for you being so perfect. What an amazing boss you are can I please come work for you?
Shut up booboopoo, you're so full of 5hit I'm surprised your colleagues don't complain about how badly you stink too!
I dont understand, if she says she is leaving because she feels bad that YOU (other people) feel bad, what has she done wrong? The poor woman
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Hi spk, Yes you can come and work for us if your CV checks out, after all, we seem to have a vacancy. Are you in the Stratford area?
Mycats if you go back a page or two you will see this imbeciles previous posts re this poor woman
I believe hell is still nice and hot so no thankyou.
yesterday when i read your comment about suspending this woman until autumn i assumed you were joking. I never read the rest of the post I just replied to it. After reading this i have gone back and looked at the post and it seems obvious you werent joking. You really want to grow up you nasty cow. If I had been the woman in question i would have ripped up the voucher and told you to stick it up your smelling of roses arse

well said jiggy-gb
Well if she has asked you to 'except' it, then the correct thing to do is to ignore the resignation by exception and welcome her back.
I just went and found the original post about this. OMG! That poor woman is probably horribly embarassed and/or ashamed and BULLIES in the workplace have made her feel worse! Thats disgusting.
i hope she goes to employment rights and sues the ass off your should and will no doubt be dragged into HR and given a roasting for this....this is called bullying in the workplace and a few other things. you have set yourself up for a mighty fall dear lady and you will be disciplined....she will have the last laugh i can assure you. now who will you pick on next...the skinny one with eczema??
If you are genuine in what you're saying and she has resigned, you may well end up in an ermployment tribunal. Which, I would say from your attitude towards her, you totally deserve.

If none of this actually happened and you're trying to amuse people, it seems you have failed in that. And if you really did handle that situation in that way, your man management is truely diabolical. Perhaps you ought to have a whip round in your office to raise funds to send you on some kind of course. Perhaps 'how to be decent human being - a beginners guide'.

gotta agree with everyone here. Yes you should have raised her lack of hygiene to her, especially if it was effecting the other people who work there. However there's ways and means of doing this and yours was obviously the wrong way.

Your attitude and the way you speak about this woman quite frankly sucks. It really does go to show that anyone, no matter how much of a twonk, can regrettably get positions of power.
I don't know if this is a wind-up but bad odours at work is a real problem! My husband has a couple guys working for him and one of his clients gave him an ultimatum over one of his workers - he needed to sort out his body odour (staff at the company would complain about his smell while he was there!) or my husband would have to get another guy in to do the work - or lose the contract. It was sad because the guy is nice but, well, smelly!
Ditto BOO.

Did you say you were some kind of 'manager'...?

Your English is sh1t. How do your workforce understand you properly...?

Perhaps there are a few things you need to brush up on.
Am I the only one who believes boo has done absolutely nothing wrong?

At the end of the day it was 'smelly' who was making the office unpleasant for all the other workers through her bad personal hygiene and lack of willpower to stay in a fit and healthy state. And it's not as if they didn't offer her any support, the Boots voucher was a generous offer which they didn't have to do.

And why is it nobody thinks twice about complaining to a smoker about their smell, but we are all expected to tread on egg shells & avoid the matter when the smell is coming from somebody who has poor personal hygiene?

She would be perfectly within her rights to sue you for constructive dismissal and frankly I hope she wins!
You may well find yourself in a Constructive Dismissal situation for bullying. There will be a question mark over your head about you man management skills within the HR Department and if it goes to a Tribunal, you will have your name blasted all over the local papers. So much for your future job prospects elsewhere.

Now wouldn't it have been better just to call her aside very quietly and mention the cause of the problem without involving the rest of your staff? . You publicly humiliated this person by having an office whip-round for the voucher which has drawn in your other subordinates and made the matter a hundred times worse. And you expect a "Thank You?

Why can she sue? what has Booboopoo actually done wrong?

At the end of the day she smelt and a office of 15 people will prove that.

She has resigned and nobody forced her too.

If we all spoke out and told the truth the world would be a happier smelly place.

Well done Booboopoo

Sorry meant 'smelling place'
I've just caught up on this and the other thread. What a lousy manager you are, Booboopoo. I bet you were a bully at school as well, and I wouldn't be surprised if most of your office mates were, too. You are one of those who gets mentioned on 'who's the crappest boss you've ever worked for' threads. I've actually worked for a guy whom David Brent could have been modelled on, but even he was a more decent individual than you are.

I hope she sues your company for constructive dismissal. Believe me, if I thought you worked for me I'd have security escort you from the building before you could even sniff, and I'd tell everyone why, too.

That woman was probably depressed - your personal hygiene is one the things to go when you're depressed. You've probably just made her feel a hundred times worse - well done. I have a friend who is very overweight, and who also smells sometimes, especially in this weather or when he's working (he's a sound technician to rock bands). When he gets depressed about his weight and/or his PH, then his work suffers. He becomes more depressed and neglects himself, and so the cycle continues. He knows he stinks. He knows he's fat. What helps him most is knowing he can talk about it to someone who doesn't judge him for it, because despite his problem, he's a damned good friend and a solid, reliable worker.

Booboopoo, the only one who stinks in your office is you.

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