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loobie | 12:27 Wed 26th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
22 Answers
Has anyone heard from her recently?? Haven't seen her on here since she had the police round and am hoping that she is ok. Anyone??


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loobie she's absolutely fine. She has been on quite a bit since that day, you've maybe just missed her. She was on yesterday infact. x
she's here now!!
Think she mentioned yesterday shes got a lot on, with work i think!

shes about and posting.
Yer she was on my post yesterday, cant show you coz I think it was banned :-(
She's about and posting. Think she's been busy and sun bathing but is otherwise ok.
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Wicked, thanks guys!! I've obviously not been on the right posts!!! Thanks all!!!
i've seen pink about but has anyone heard from loopyc since that last thread about that woman threatening her daughter?
I havnt seen loopyC at all.
Ive got Loopyc's mobile number and I sent her a text last week but she never replied.
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Hey Pink!!!!! Good to see ya hunny!!!
hiya loobie.Sorry not been on much but I have had loads of work,and I spent most of yesterday in the garden!
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Ooo lucky you!! I don't normally check up on people but because of what happened with your ex, I thought I would!!!
awww,bless you loobie.Hows things with you then?
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Yeah good!! I signed up the other day to do the 10k run for cancer research in October!! Slightly scary as i am soo unfit (proven yesterday by a bike ride) but have raised �110 so far so have to do it!!!!
good for you - mad though!! lol
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Yep, that's exactly what I thought one second after I joined!!!! So is everything ok with you now?
yes,well I havent heard a word from him at all,and my son is on holiday with the grandparents at the mo - so I shall just see if they take him to see his dad on the way back.Not much I can do about that is there.
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Nope I guess not!! Can't believe you haven't heard from him at all!! Still it's probably better than hearing from him!!! Glad you are ok hun xx

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