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one for the boys

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laurence2 | 18:10 Wed 26th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
if the way to a mans heart is via his ''STOMACH'' according to the old wifes tale

What is the way to a womans heart?


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Through your wallet
Yes, the wallet is the key channel to that mysterious destination...
yeh, wallet, credit card, attention (but not too much), kiss round the back of the neck, loads of stuff.
wallets my answer too!!!!!
Ooh sorry, I'm not a boy!
Oops, sorry, im a laydee. That makes me qualified to answer though doesn't it????
I always make a nice incision just in between the second and third ribs.
Kindness, respect, honesty. Material things don`t matter.
Buy shoes for her!
Through the ribcage
Expensive jewellry, a fat wallet, and a bouquet of flowers.
I'll rephrase my last, to win the ladies heart,

Romance her, sweet talk her, make her laugh, listen to her, buy her flowers, make her feel that you think she;s the best thing thats ever happened to you.
Neck - honest ! I just love my neck being kissed, makes me go all goooeeyyyy !!!
Make her laugh...
I have to say, laughter gets to my heart. If a blokes funny enough to keep me laughing then i'm happy, although its an old cliche its definately true for me!
dinner. lunch, diamonds, shoes, handbags, flattery, holidays, sports car, house it all..... he loves me..yeah??

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one for the boys

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