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quite tedious this place now

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bobtheturkey | 21:04 Thu 27th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
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I am not understanding the gist of any of the above posts can someone summarise for me please? Or should i care?
dot ...believe me ...ignorance is bliss, in this case ...
Hi stevie, what's a workey-ticket ?
hey 4get, bob, naz Ive got an empty glass here, any vino left.

So whiffeys gonna be a mod eh? wow, Lambretta or vespa? please dont tell me youre gonna get a copy, its got to be original.
Hi btturkey,

Hope you are now feeling better, sorry I haven't been able to send my good wishes sooner...

Whiffey, are you referring to me?

There are now 2 others with 'noodles' in their names:
hen_noodle and noodle_miner, but as you well know I have been born again as tictactoe...

Owzat !! steviep...
a mod eh? ...all we need now is whiffey to join forces with that War~Mincer dude
Isnt Ray a mod too?
Ray, go get a big bike hun.
thats a short ball that spat off the surface and nailed inzy dead tictac, 6-19 for the bloke from my way. and how did you know i'd be watchin supercreeckeet.
ta for the drink Naz, i really needed that
If you can HONESTLY say you have had no alcohol tonight the noo rofl, then I will believe what you say, otherwise it's all PANTS !
in answer to your question yes at times this site is tedious, there seems to be a group of people who are very protective of this site, dont welcome newcomers and speak in their own made up language, anyone else find this ?
-- answer removed --
Nooy miut nbsgh8 kui ....
need i say more ?
dot ...that's the funniest answer on here all night ....
The only newbies i may not have welcomed would be ones who post questions to provoke.
I hope that by doing this i have not made you feel unwelcome in any way.

Have u been at the sauce bottle again?

It is I "n00dles" that was...

Did we not speak of willow/leather/googlies, not so long ago? lol ;o}

I dont understand any of this thread

Why has whiffey suddenly become female?
Why is Whiffey being a mod on august 1st?
Why is whiffey and cat having a ball and im not invited?
What is a workey ticket?
Who shot, stabbed, bludgeoned, shot whatsisface in the shower?
Will benson ever answer the door?

Confused, gawd you bet I am

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quite tedious this place now

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