Hiya all, I have the start of a cold just now and feel all bunged up with a sore throat. Apart from the neck upwards I feel fine. I am supposed to be playing badminton tonight, should I still just go for it and try and sweat the cold out of me??
if its just a cold then go for it get plenty of fresh air n water just have a lemsip before you go to bed n u will sweat it all out but if its more like flu stay in bed with plenty of rest
I am PE qualified but not medically qualified but I would recommend that you do NOT exercise with the least trace of a cold. When jogging first became popular many years ago quite a few people suffered heart attacks, and it was discovered that extra strain was put on their heart because of taking strenuous exercise with a cold virus. I would welcome expert advice on this question.
No you shouldnt do any form of exercise if you are ill. take some lemsip or something and keep warm, resting as much as you can will also help it go more quickly.
Well, unfortunately I left before I got the chance to read your replies. I went to badminton and played absolutely pants! Felt worse after my bath and feel like sh*t today, throat is killing me, wish I'd got your replies before I ran off :o(