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where did u meet your other half???

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mnko | 12:40 Thu 03rd Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
56 Answers
where did you meet ur other half??? i met my wife on the internet. on a chatroom 5 years on wednesday. met her 16 days later asked her 2 marry me 12 hrs later she moved 2 england 2 live with me 2 months later. got pregnant 1 month later. had son 9 months later 1 month later moved to dublin ireland 4 years later still her. i still fancy her just like i did the first time i met her.


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on my 21st birthday i was a little drunk and i think i told him it was my birthday so he told me he would give me 21 kisses and 21 dates as my present. he kept his promise and things went no further till after those 21 dates... he told me it wouldnt be a date if we took things to the next level (he soon made up for that though) ;o)

we have now just brought our first place together and he proposed on our first night there with a big bouquet of roses, champagne, strawberries and a lovely solitaire diamond ring that he picked. bless him!!
I meant to say 'Ive never been happier' lol.
at Tivoli nightclub, N.Wales
blind date 37yrs and 2 sons later
he babysat for me, although that sounds bad he was left in charge up stairs in the pub while our parents were down stairs. There's not much difference in age
Hi mnko , Met my other half in a wine bar , when i was out of my tree( still together though ) .
In a nightclub on April fools day 5 years ago
i met mine on a blind date 37yrs and 2 boys ago
In the 'Hofbrauhaus ' a grman type beer cellar in 1973 , we sat opposite each otherr on a long bench,married 1974, 4 kids and 4 grandkids now.
My now hubby used to sit opposite me at work. They were advertising for someone and I told my boss to get a good-looking bloke! Was most unimpressed when they employed my then (although I obviously didn't know it) future hubby. Was in an 10-year relationship at the time and was very unhappy. Hubby to be wouldn't leave me alone so started seeing him. Split with ex. 6 years later here I am married with an almost 4 year old and another on the way!
I won mine in a raffle!! Won a free membership of a dating agency and met him through that. He's my fourth husband and I'm his third wife!! We've been together over 15 years and married for 11 of them - they say the best is worth waiting for.
At the 10 pin bowling alley in Grantham. It was, quite literally, a police set up. Pesky rozzers. Mind you, can't complain too much. We celebrate our 7th anniversary this month.
Ice skating. 40 years married today. 6th August.
Ice skating. Fancied him immediately. We have been married 40 years today. (6th August)
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happy anniversary pamnez!
Bonbon did you mean to say I have never been SO happy?
I met her after she was thrown into Poole Quay as a "joke" by some drunken idiots..... I dragged her out and we've been together ever since.....this was 1989, we have now been married for 11 years and have 2 wonderful sons.
When he was stumbling past me in a cafe. He was 16 and a scruffy little punk I was 15 and knew from that second he was the one for me. (I'm 29 now)
holiday romance in portugal, been together 5 years!

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