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Are there any runners out there?

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Misky | 14:26 Fri 04th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
I've posted this in the sports section too, but wonder if there are any runners out there? My husband is training for his fourth Great North Run and although he always uses the same style trainers, this year he's having trouble with pain in his instep, mainly on one foot. Does anyone know what could be causing this, or what he might do to avoid it happening (except stop running)? It's putting him off his training and is uncomfortable during his day at work.....


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he really should get checked out by a podiatrist that specialises in sports medicine... he might need an orthotic?..

hope he gets it sorted out


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Thanks fat rascal, I'll send him to the local chap.
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Thanks W-M - I'll check with the old man and probably order some of them - solely (haha) on your recommendation. Cheers.
Hello Ward~Minter how are you?
I agree running in boots was no fun, however, guess what? It's now been banned, too many soldiers (crap hats) were going down with knee problems due to the new style boots in the late '80s. our friends in the RAMC disagreed,and put up one hell of a protest, but to no avail, the politics of the day said all Armed Forces were to run/jog in trainers unless in operational areas.
To answer Misky's Q look at Wardy's link, that should answer your querie

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Are there any runners out there?

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