can anybody help me i came off depo on 2nd march after 12 years i have had 2 periods one on the 6th july and 1 on the 21st july both lasted for 4 days i was due on on the 5th Aug but am still waiting am trying for a baby but my body is all over the place can anybody give me advice on what to do as i dont know if asm fertile or anything
best thing to do is not to worry or stress yourself out over it...just relax, let nature take its course, and best of all enjoy all the practice.... you will get there im sure.
I too was in a similar situation and after being on the depo for 11 years it took about 6 months for my cycle to return to normal. After that i started trying for a baby and it took around 3/4 months to fall pregnant. I'm expecting the little one on the 20th September. I would say that you need to be patient and it will all fall into place. I know its easier said than done and when you feel your body clock ticking (i'm 34) sometime you can't help but feel anxious. You could also try ovulation tests when you feel your cycle becoming regular. I hope it all goes well for you.
I'm told it can take up to a year after coming off the injection, before periods are back to normal.
As such, I wouldn't be suprised that after 5 months your periods aren't back to normal. as to your fertility when you do have periods (all be they irregular) maybe ask your doc/family planner. this website says that it can take up to 15 months to conceive after coming off.
well 1st of all congratulations am so happy for u i do find it frustrating wot ovualtion kits do i get its been so long i havent got a clue am 31 will be 32 in jan