Thank you ~posy~ - I really hope it all works out as well. I just cannot imagine Life without either of them. Makes it very hard!!
I'm sure I'll be okay though....
crazydaisy - like i said hunnie, you don't choose who you fall in love with so don't beat yourself up about it. i really hope it works out ok for you xXx
You have actually made me feel much better with your Words.... I am beating myself up over it as I don't wanna hurt anyone, including myself.
Keep your Fingers, Arms, Toes and anything else crossed that everything works out in the end!!
i had a fling with a married man eight years ago (he was separated at the time) and i ended it ,although we remained friends i still cared about him. to cut a long story short i got in touch with him a month ago because i couldn't stop wondering what if? although we hadn't met for three years. anyway we met for coffee and he asked me to dinner and had a really good time. he is now divorced
the question is can it work second time round, who knows
craisydaisy - please don't beat yourself up hunnie, it's not your fault, these things happen!! just follow your heart babe. if you ever wanna chat you can have my email address. just let me know xXx
ever fallen in love with someone
ever fallen in love in love with someone
ever fallen in love in love with someone
youshouldnt have fallen in luuuurve with.
ever fallen in love with someone you shouldnt have fallen in luuuuurve wiiiiiithhaaaaaaa!!!!