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Mr Boo says I'm sick and twisted....

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B00 | 01:11 Sun 20th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
42 Answers
Now before you all rush to agree with him (yes, I mean YOU!) He claims i'm sick and twisted because I get an almost orgasmic (oooer!) pleasure from peeling the skin off his back caused by sun-burn. The bigger the 'sheet' the better, and the 'ripping' sound it makes is awesome. question he right? Is this twisted?


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Ive got a real thing about squeezing spots! I love gunk! My 16 year old brother runs when he sees me as he knows Im after his blackheads! If there was a job squeezing spots and working with gunk Id be so chuffed!

Id love to go round in a van, a bit like the A team one, and kidnap teenagers and squeeze thier spots and cleanse thier faces and the send them on thier way!!!!!

I know... Im a sicko!!!
Question Author
Yep I can see the fascination there DP, i'd like to do that too, well until some of the gunk landed on me as it shot out, then i'd leggit.

Apologies if anyone's eating.............
I used to get a similar joy from getting that weird glue they give kids at school of my hands when i was a bairn.

GLOY i think it was called, i suggest you cover MR BOO in gloy once the summer has gone to keep you 'on the boil' over the harsh winter months.

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Excellant suggestion Jip me old matey, I might just have to do that!
Yay - it's like school in so many ways, i talk about GLOY and get Stars...yay for me
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Now to be fair Jip, if you remember correctly, you used to talk WITH Gloy, remember? You used to eat it!
BOO, how come I didnt get any stars for my ingrowing hair reply? Daftpixie got some for mentioning squeezing spots!
Only after i'd peeled it and rolled it into little balls
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Starred ya now minxie, don't shout at me, i must have just forgotten to do it.........

Gawd, I'd forgotten how stressful it is asking questions on 'ere!
I was just kidding :)

We should be recruiting more women to go to war, they are savage, OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eeuukkk......for me it's blackheads I'm fascinated with them.
Just popping out to get a pot of copydex, and secure the transport for Neti, Pixie and I to rid the world of blackheads (even bought a new super duper Revlon spot spanner on hols this year). Now has anyone found where my son is hiding?
Although I've never had one, my ambition is to sqeeze a whitehead that has a blackhead in the middle oooh ecstacy!!!!!!
i love peeling my bf's sunburned skin and i also try and get the biggest sheet that i can.....its great (he thinks i am sick too)
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minimonkey- thank you, thank you thank you, I was beginning to think i was a bit odd here with this one.
no B00 it just means you are both sick and twisted lol : )))))))
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Awww dotty

how is the lamp shade coming on? lol
no way - don't knock it til you have tried it - it is sooo makes the coolest noise as it is peeling off!

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Mr Boo says I'm sick and twisted....

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