Morning Neenee! Or is it now afternoon? I too love the cheeky banter on this site, some of the posters are incredibly funny, Naz and Dot always make me chuckle, but there are also plenty of others who come up with the good quips! Okay I will take my tongue out of everyones backside and continue. I posted quite a strong question recently (my strong opinion on single parents and parents in general). I expected some strong even insulting answers, but I was very surprised at how considered the anwers were. I felt we had a good debate and I respected the views of those opposing mine. I feel that we should all respect the views of others even if we disagree with them, it makes for a far nicer site! I don't understand people slagging each other off, even though sometimes it is very funny to read! I am off my soap box now!
Cheers Sue