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mnko | 21:45 Sun 20th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
445 Answers
who would you like to banish from ab for life, i need good valid reasons. and u cant banish me(not that u would want 2 i hope:-/)


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Jips, I don't go north of Bedford, but I can let you have a film of a train from Kings Cross to Edinburgh, or Euston to Glasgee the noo.
I for one would like to distance my comments from this, who shall we set the dogs on today mentality.

Whiffey, are you sure number 4 isn't available?

oh, and can i drink alcohol whilst the hotel is in transit?
Are you all just south of lalaland???
You just gone and made me do it again, jip.

Tictac..which thread? I have gone blind.
Rug-head - "sad b*stard"

Do you really really mean that ? Isn't it fun being on a bandwagon. The backing of the crowd.

There's not a single soul on here actually knows me. I think I am more pleased at that than you are.

ooh, i'll take the kings cross edinburgh line, i believe it extends onto aberdeen too.

Oh, can i have your password so i can begin imitating you from your own id. :-)
and can i offer you the picture of a gorrilla as payment.

Unless you are trying to give them up.
I'd ask Melanie for that, will know of her as I believe she walks around with the faint aroma of beetroot & cabbage wafting.....
Crikey ...step out for 10 minutes and it's all gone weird in here.
whiffey??.......................out of all the stupid things you have said, that has honestly offended me? i dont need a bandwagon to display my emotions, nor do i need the backing of a crowd!! i have despised you for a very long time, not through what other people have said about you , but with my own mind!!
Good on you Rug-head.

God knows why though.

Hey naz ~ imagine what it's like when you step out for 24 hours. It's like the blimmin twilight zone!
Wheres the brick lot gone,was reading that?
-- answer removed --
I'll pay you good money for that mind.

You don;t need it, all your gonna do with it is use it to despise a representation of a person on an annonamous website, filled with other fictitious representations.

Whereas i could sell it for profit to some kind of vivisection nut.

I thank you an will now happlily return to my absurdist representation of my AB personality. Be seeing you.
without jumping on the bandwagon..........................i agree with what my leader said!!
Dind,ding............ Round 4!..............
How do we all know you're not wardy??
Are you a NONCE??
you know what makes me wonder? why, when most peoples lives are sh*t in reality, that you feel the need to come here and spread the hate even more. loopers, the lot of you
Crikey, its gone manic!!

Just given mr n00dles his med, when I get back its aarrrggghhh

Fine thanks electric, I think...

Pips so sorry (having a senior moment), thread is death & scents [check out the busted jibe]

Winnibago whiffey - got quite a ring to it lol :)

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