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why does love?

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~posy~ | 13:05 Wed 23rd Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
120 Answers
why does it hurt? why does it make you feel sick? why does it make you so confused you can't think straight? why does it give you some of your happiest but some of your hardest moments? how can it make you so strong one minute but break you the next? if love is so wonderful why isn't it always good? xXx


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In the film Parenthood someone is talking about how complicated life was and the grandma says -

"You know, when I was nineteen, Grandpa took me on a roller coaster. ...........Up, down, up, down. Oh, what a ride!............. I always wanted to go again. You know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn't like it. They went on the merry-go-round. That just goes around. Nothing. I like the roller coaster. You get more out of it."

I think that is such a poignant quote - she is talking about life in general being like a rollorcoaster but you can also relate it to love.

Its so scary that something can make you feel all those emotions all at the same time and seperatly! I think most of us would prefer all those ups and downs and whirlwinds of emotion though than just feeling the same thing day in day out!

The weird and wonderful world of love . . .

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you want me to name names rugely?? xXx
i'm crazy in love, i cant keep my mind off her half the time.
whenever she's away the first thing i do is check my fone to see if she's been in touch.
she's amazing.
i dont think you need to posy!!

how much are hats nowadays???
Hiya hun! Did I miss much?

In answer to your question, am of the firm belief I've never really been in love with anyone and from your description I never bl00dy want to be! Lol!

How's you babes? Hope you're still following this post... and what exactly is this all about angel?!
hats? i'm lost.
Hey Stevie, long time no see, how's you?

Hats = wedding I think...
im ok china me old honey. hows the hospital business (radiotherapy wasnt it).
oooh, who's getting married.
I've no idea babes, just think that's what the hats comment is implying.

It's busy, boring and giving me a headache, we've got some damn woman playing a casio keyboard in the reception again and she's driving me nuts... at least there's no singing this time. And my staff are all away so have to cover reception for an hour at 12pm which is one of my most hated things... Hows the dolls house?

What you been up to then? Anything interesting?
same old same old dolly, just trying to keep the punters happy!!
Lol, I'm sure you do it very well babes! I used to find that vast quantities of beer served to them, being their GP/Social worker/Counsellor when needed and generally wearing a low cut top worked wonders!

i've tried the low cut top. it didnt seem to work very well for some reason!!
Don't think man boobs do it for them babes, try a leopard skin thong... that should get them talking!
i've got a genuine ocelot skin one, that could do the trick.

where's ruge, i need to know who the bride and groom are!
Me too.... am I invited? Should I wear a hat? Lol! I'll go look for my bestest frock.
I wouldn't pay too much attention to the ruge, stevie, hun! Thinks he's Cilla, he does! ;o)
aaaah, here she is. how are you today sweet thing?
Whiskeys the bride... fantastic! Am I invited Whiskey? Who you marrying? I take it we're having a big party afterwards!
I'm great, babe, you? That was some great shuffling you had going on last night! ;o)

China, hun, I'm as clueless as the rest of ya! Just thankful it won't be me in the meringue though! I'm phobic of the vows, y'see? LOL! :o)
Don't blame you my love!

Where's Posy?! Is she alright? POSY!!!! Yooo Hoooo!!!

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