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why i am so angry ?

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crete | 14:22 Wed 23rd Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
61 Answers
when i first came to this site i expected some fun and humour most of the time i have not been disappointed, but have just replied to a post in the law section and i am soooo angry that in our country to day someone has found themselves in a dreadful situation because of red tape they have been left in a unsafe environment and it is not good enough im sorry if this is not the etique of the site but a person who is vulnerable in any way should not be obliged to fight for their rights . ps would the spelling police not bother posting thanks


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caring sharing welcome all ?
Its still full cateterisation when is in and one is not catheterised when its not in.

Partly catherterised would mean its half in and half out

RGN :)

it's kind of odd that you are more in uproar than the very guy who's lost his leg! His situation is a terrible one, there but for the grace of god, but his final posts were amazingly positive and hopeful. take a leaf out of his book crete. While it's lovely that you care so much, you can't expect an unrelated, ostensibly off-the-wall post on B&S to garner the kind of outraged support you were obviously seeking.
lol kick, my point exactly, except you said it better ;-)
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compassion thats all see ya
AHHHHH!!!! I'm sooooooo confused!!! I'm in at 8!!
sorry B00, didn't mean to tread on toes sweetie :o) Only just went and read the Law post that kicked this off. xx
Sorry horsetache, I have to catheterise. and some patients are full term catheterised and bladder washed frequently. Still, for me a while away I hope. My point was just about what the future holds for us sick and disabled lot. Not about wording of how we take a pee.
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yesmadam it wasnt a very funny joke was it ?
Its NOT a joke its a fact. And has nothing what so ever to do with the poor chap who has lost his leg.

Having a catheter is not an illness in itself, but a reliever of a symptom.

Many people who have to use a catheter or have a colostomy, illeostomy etc, are able to work and lead normal independant lives, and you would not even know that they have such a device, and most of them would not want you to either. Its the disease (some of them) that disables you NOT the catheter.
No sweetheart, I get just as maddened by our red tape as you do. It was just another rant from a disgruntled mad woman... I hope he gets all he has requested and very quickly. It is just such a shame we have to fight against the machine with MPs and sometimes lawyers and Human Rights lol. The stupid thing? I'm fighting to get incapacity aswell, just to be hauled up next year to be assessed for work. Yeah!!! we all deliberately get incurable diseases and loose parts of our bodies just so we dont have to work innit???....
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yesmadam seems to me you have a right to rant but you shouldnt have to that was my issue earlier i admit i handled it poorly but disabled people should not be put in the position where they have to be phoning agencies to get what they deserve and are entitled to .do they not have enough to deal with without having to contact local M P s to get a decent service ?
horsetache, with respect, I was referring to seriously ill people who are not terminal. Not just the catheterisation point. The fact that some truly disabled folks with their bag of wee will be wheeled in for assessment. And? some of those are double incontinent. That to me is wrong to expect them to go back to work. They will not be visited at home either for their assessment. I imagine there will be alot of ironing out to do first before this idea is implemented, but? we all know that wont happen and it will be a fiasco as usual and the inconvenience is at the cost of the seriously ill but not terminal. and my catheterising is part of my disease.
What do you think the answer will be crete? :-) whats our way out of the tape? the OTs are just as frustrated too.
Who can sort it for all?
I think the saying is "you cant please all of the people all of the time" ... still, they could have a bl00dy good go though lol... :-) xx
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you know something there is no way out you have to fight for everything and try to convince people that your not functioning as everyone else does and it takes up too much time and in the end you say O K FU_ _ _ NG crap P S i never swear normally but so fed up with the system
Crete, I think you�ll find the correct grammar for the word �i� should be a capital �I�, as should the �i� in �I�m�. And what does �Etique� mean, its French, not English!
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P I _ _ OFF who asked you on to this serious discussion
Oh, I�m sorry, I obviously thought this was a free discussion forum, where anybody could answer?!? I was only trying to make you a better person by teaching you correct English grammar! I�d of thought that deserved a �Thank You�. Besides, you missed out 2 �S�s on your previous post.
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your post is totally irrelevant to this discussion go practice your spelling and grammer somewhere else. not interested. your boring
Errr, it�s not me who needs to practice grammar/ spelling! I thought you said that you came on here for a bit of fun and humour, hmmm, you seem a real fun sort of person! Chill Out!

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