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What do you all look like?

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Leighanna | 11:43 Fri 25th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
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Tenner on Spam
thats ok i like been deluded!! its better than been a freak!! oh and buy the way! youve obviously got nothing better to do with your time, so theres a site call i am bored .com maybe ul find summit there!
why is it always me! do i call out have an argument with me!!!!!

How many times are you gonna say run along. If we all do you'll have no one left to abuse. You had decent answers just like you did yesterday but you choose the be rude back with stupid comments.
lol ;oP
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run along dear
I'll meet your bet Mr Tall
has anyone decided where they are running to? I cant make up my mind. Can i follow you Sam? :)
il bet me 1000 pounds
redcrx no dear you cant follow me cos i am following evryone else ! so we will ahve to work a way around it sumhow??
IT hasnt got much of a fighting talk. now run along is something people used to say in the playground to try and show people wernt getting to them :-)
Oh my god we are all gonna be running after one another in a big circle :-)
i kinda like the circle idea 4get!!
should be fun!
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Not an ounce of sence between the lot of you. That includes you smiler! ha
run along was something old dears said in the 50s. Or 'old crusty' the lunch monitor. OMG surely not, are you crusty???

Oh Sam,
I thought we were meant to be following you, now im lost!
not much sence at all but loads of sense. loads left over if you want some, think you may need it
Eccles, now you climb up on Friar Tuck's shoulders and pull him up !!

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What do you all look like?

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