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what is going on????

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PinkFizz | 12:39 Wed 30th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
35 Answers
Ok guys,I know I ve been away but it was only for a couple of weeks - but what is going on with all the threads below??Am I missing something??


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hit and miss with noxlomus. Sometimes can seem as if he/she thinks they are right and everyone else is inferior but there are many people on here worse than that tbh.

(well done Pink for catching on)
4getmenot, i read it and added a little also, got a feeling i might get a response, the guy has got a fcuking major hang up.
but at the end of day is up to him, but I think he took it personally as if we were saying he was a bad parent. I dont like children being christened but that doesnt mean I think the parents are in the wrong if they do.
Cant see what you have added though
I totally agree 4getmenot, but trying to target me for his anger is a mistake, i,m not the type to run off with my tail between my legs, the majority said the piercings were wrong, but he choose me to moan at.

i've just checked it, hes reported it, i know this as i also posted about him on the child mohican thread, and thats been removed, we can all play that game?
Put it again. And I get what you're saying, its the way he said you's just arguing because WE wont agree with you. But I'm sorry I agree with you.
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I missed the one about piercings but I did see the mohican one.Good to be back anyway guys.

Well he's very very sad if he can't take criticism.
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just read that thread - thanks for that 4getmenot.Personally I agree with Laurence but each to his own I guess.
Well, Mr nox has decided to put me in my place on the piercing thread, how worried should i be?
oh id be worried if i were you. Scared in a sort of 'hide behind sofa, doctor who is on' kind of way.

exterminate! exterminate!

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I'd be changing my undies by now!!

(sherbet dips)
Thanx for the advice Red, i have a 5 seater sofa, so no problem hiding from MR exterminator NOX

{Won ton soup}

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what is going on????

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