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Drink makes me sleep

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crilly2k | 13:00 Thu 31st Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
Any suggestions how to stop falling asleep when i drink to much.I can fall asleep sitting on a bar stool please help


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Grow up and leave drinking to those who know when they have had too much.
DOH Don't drink too much!!!!! SIMPLE!!!
dont sit on bar stools .
Alcohol is a depressant, not a stimulant.

You are obviously drinking too much for your body to handle.

Drink lots of water or soft drinks in between alcohol.
take about 3 pro plus before you go out and you wont fall asleep at all mate
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Well thanks for the answers but I don't drink loads it just makes me sleep.I was thinking of taking caffine tablets
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I'll give them a go
You can become addicted to pro plus. As there`s caffine in it. If you drink a lot of coffee, coke etc anyway you could make yourself ill.

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Drink makes me sleep

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