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Briar_x | 14:06 Fri 01st Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
I went out last night.... Had a wonderful night, but managed to get both ofmy big toes stood on... never felt such pain as I did then, even when ever so slightly inebriated.

Since then my toes have hurt like hell all night, and when I looked at them this morning/afternoon they are purple in the nail bed. Does this mean that they will probably go black and fall off? If so ewwwwww, and is there anything that I can do to stop that happening, oh and anything to stop the pain in my toes now?


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i doubt they will fall off, but i think you should go see a chiropodist, they should be able to help you :-)
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when I said fall off, I didn't actually mean my toes, just the nails. Thought I should clarify this as it sounded a little dramatic. But thank you for the suggestion.

ooooooooo, take co-codomol or something strong like that. i know how you feel, stay off them as long as possible, if you can move them fine, if not one may be broken. Owch
keep a sock on and when you feel something in it just toss it in the bin p s it might smell a bit !

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