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mnko | 12:37 Sat 02nd Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
95 Answers

Kiss on the hand - I adore you.

Kiss on the cheek - I just want to be friends.

Kiss on the chin - You are cute!

Kiss on the neck - I want you.

Kiss on the lips - I love you.

Kiss on the ears - Let's have some fun.

Kiss anywhere else - You're the best.



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sorry had no idea, it was just all those valleys were staying on the subject of females ( maybe just my dirty mind)
its the return of the blondies...wheres your sisters Linda, Bernadette et al
zorro - i am on my way!!! xXx
unrulieeeeeee, i want to be me again!!!!!
what about the children and the housework and the shopping. posy ?
stevie, why fight it babes? The ladies need you..........xx
shopping was delivered earlier by tesco, the housework is done, and the kids have gone to a friends house to play for an hour!!
enjoy see you in 5 mins then
it seems like the ladies are managing perfectly well by themselves!!! lol
come back stevie, its all a front, i think we need some male domination to get these girls back on the straight and narrow. Zorro is trying but he needs a hand! testosterone to the rescue! go on stevie go on..........
i need some testosterone!!!
posy is trying her best on msn, but my cause is strong, and i shall resist.
oi stevie!! i am not!!!
snigger snigger
sorry posy!!
yes please if any testosterone is being handed out
and the award for site strumpet goes to...
i need some new msn friends!!! the ones i've got are all a bit mad!!!
if its testosterone your after, i have two big sacks here full of it!!

roll up, roll up, get it while its hot!!!

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