Answer re ? Xray - Daughter says that in her hospital the radiographer interprets xrays and if she thinks there is something abnormal she puts a red dot on them, so maybe it is something similar with the ?. This is the best I can do for you. Cheers Skylight
I'm not sure she should be doing that, because if the consultant then only looks at the pinpointed bits, he/she could easily overlook something important.
Common sense should tell you that a consultant w ould check every xray whether a radiographer puts a red, yellow or polka dot on!!!! For your information Lonnie It is not put on the actual xray but in the corner.
Hmm - I am still a little unconvinced!! The xray I saw had a tibia with a sodding great fracture midshaft. I seriously cannot believe that someone needs to put a little "?" on it to say - "heads up guys - somewhere on this xray is a problem? Tea and medals for the first doctor to spot it!!"