im about to drive to derby to meet a supplier half way as he's busy, i could of insisted he deliver it but decided to be nice, not sure if that qualifies
Yep, someone just done some electrical work in my kitchen,got my dimmer switch working in the lounge and wired up an outdoor light in the back garden and only charged me a tenner....and my good deed was to tell him I`ll have some more work for him soon
My bf called to leave a message (when he knew I wouldn't be at my desk) to tell me he misses me and loves me loads, because I knows I feel a bit blue at the moment.
a friend not feeling too great so i invited her to lunch and just listened to her for 2 hours not a hardship as i know she would do the same for me if required
I think your interpretation must be different mine, that's all. I would presume someone to be appreciative of a 'good deed', and I would again presume that the cashier wouldn't have been too grateful. Sorry again. That's all I meant by it. :o)