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Minxie | 23:48 Wed 06th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
Won �3 on a scratch card tonight. How shall I spend it?


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you cant you have to go to the shop and they put it in this machine and say you have made a mistake but give you a bar of galaxy to make up for getting it rong.
Look at the logics, it cost you a quid, so you only won �2
Keep a quid and buy another 2 tommorow, that way you won`t lose any money
spend, spend, spend!!!

just don't let it change you
that is a brilleant plan elvis can I do that even if I got the date rong?
Question Author
ummm. was wondering whether to spend some and save a bit too....
Treat a quid the same as you would a tenner, that way you`ll be rich oneday
babes, buy another one
Yep spend it an another scratchcard heh then treat ur self to a drink/chocolate bar
How about another bottle of wine Minxie lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go to the pound shop and go mad.
10 mayfair and a can of special brew!!
3 scratchcards! reinvest!

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