Hi Carakeel, I have had two Orthopedic Ops on my Knee. On the first one, they tried to do the Spinal - but something went wrong with them trying to put the epidural needle thingie in, and as a result they put me under a GI. When I was knocked out, they put the Epidural in so that I would have pain relief post - op.
In the second Op, I had the Spinal epidural thingie with no problems and stayed awake for the whole operation. A nurse stayed next to me and held my hand and kept me chatting.
I couldn't feel anything, but I knew when they were moving my leg to put a tourniquet on it.
I didn't even notice they'd started the procedure until one of the Surgeons popped around the Curtain (waving bl00d stained gloves at me!) & showed me the piece of Bone they'd removed. We even chatted and had a laugh.
I had told the Surgeons that if they needed to start drilling, then I'd prefer to be knocked out as I couldn't cope with hearing that, so they were prepared for that. Luckily they didn't need to *phew!
Though very nervous and tearful beforehand, I was very, very relaxed and chatty throughout the op - which I suspect may have come from a dose of Valium!
I don't know if your hospital would allow relatives to stay - I didn't even think of that - though I'm sure that Mr Mort would have enjoyed the experience :-)
I do wish I thought to take my MP3 player with me ... that would have been cool. I could have sang loudly to Meatloaf and Linkin Park in the Op. Theatre!
Hope this helps a little, and GOOD LUCK