lately iv been getting really sore and horrible spots on my head. they are like acne spots i havnt got them anywhere else just on my head, and they are really really sore!! anyone no how to get rid of em? they havnt got whitheads or blackheads on them there just red!!
are you stressed at all? as i get those when i am stressed but its on top of your head - not like normal spots. i started getting them when i did my degree - but dont get them so much now. I have also noticed sometimes the sun brings them out.
its kinda hard to explain how they are, they arnt like normal spots there red and sore........ anyway i have been stressed at work lately, but everythings ok now!? they appear every now and then!?
yeah sounds exactly like what i get - the dr also suggested i use T-gel shampoo (but it is so pricey) as she wasnt sure if it was just a reaction to something in the shampoo. But i kwow when i am goign to get them as i get an itch then these red sore blister things come up, not loads but enough to hurt and then they just go and its always when i am stressed or nervous.