LOl! We seem to have steered off the question at hand and Crilly is still looking for answers... it's very rude to hijack other peoples threads you know ;0)
Ray, good to have you back and crilly, i can't agree! I will mention one lady and she can make me laugh more than any man, Julie Walters!!!! i love Victoria Wood as well, ok there are loads more male comedians than female but i just think thats the business! It's a tougher one for women to crack!
As for the AB, i think there are some extrememtly funny ladies who frequent these pages!
Oh yeah... but there's some funny blokeys too... like I said, it depends on your personality/sense of humor. Not everyone has the same funny bone and all that...
That is very true china, what makes one laugh, sends another into a rage, thats why there are so many arguments on here i think, you have to "get" someones humour.
Ah yeah definately... and occasionally agree to disagree and all that. I do wonder about taking things personally... sometimes think things can be taken a bit personally on here too...
well, its so different when you are having a joke face to face, you can always tell by the tone of voice whereas on here, that is impossible so things get taken out of context. I like these :-) they always help!