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Why are men funny than women?

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crilly2k | 16:05 Tue 12th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
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keep searching, looks like a peanut !!!
oewwwwwww, spits out peanut!!!!!
LOl! We seem to have steered off the question at hand and Crilly is still looking for answers... it's very rude to hijack other peoples threads you know ;0)
was it too salty fluff ???
twas dry roasted
Sorry crilly, we are rude, but do you agree Joan Rivers is Funny ?
I gotta go to work now, bye all,take care, Ray,

PS, thanks for a laugh !!
<Big kiss>

Good to see you back m'dear xx
bye hun xx
Ray, good to have you back and crilly, i can't agree! I will mention one lady and she can make me laugh more than any man, Julie Walters!!!! i love Victoria Wood as well, ok there are loads more male comedians than female but i just think thats the business! It's a tougher one for women to crack!
As for the AB, i think there are some extrememtly funny ladies who frequent these pages!
Yes, theres certainly some funny ladies on here
I hope you mean "funny "in the same context as i do cascarelli !!!!! lol
Oh yeah... but there's some funny blokeys too... like I said, it depends on your personality/sense of humor. Not everyone has the same funny bone and all that...
That is very true china, what makes one laugh, sends another into a rage, thats why there are so many arguments on here i think, you have to "get" someones humour.
Ah yeah definately... and occasionally agree to disagree and all that. I do wonder about taking things personally... sometimes think things can be taken a bit personally on here too...
Erm, yes, I'm sure I mean that in the same sense as you (ahem!)

Well, mostly anyway
well, its so different when you are having a joke face to face, you can always tell by the tone of voice whereas on here, that is impossible so things get taken out of context. I like these :-) they always help!
I'd better be funny and not 'funny' Cas ;0P
God, women eh..........
Of course your funny China

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