Anyone know what the Maximum Charge should be for a Course of NHS Dental Treatment and what costitutes a Course of Treatment? Many Thanks for any replies.
�378 is the maximum you would pay for a course of dental work under the NHS.
A course of dental work is essential treatment that needs doing at that particular time. If it is a lot of work, the dentist may have to get the ok before starting. He or she obtains the consent by taking xrays, impressions and reports which are sent for approval.
Thanks again,Ethel,does it not matter how many visits you make as I was charged �15.50 for an X-Ray yesterday. Will this be deducted from total charge?
Hi Ethel is incorrect, the new maximum charge whithin a course of treatment (treatment carried out within 3 months of initial visit) is �189 and any lower payment already made is subtracted from this