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3 times a bridesmaid never a bride?

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Orangesauce1 | 22:09 Thu 14th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
Is this really true ;-)


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Well I've been bridesmaid twice, and I have to admit it makes me a little nervous.

But both times I've been bridesmaid to the same groom .... aha, that's got you all wondering eh :o) So really I think it just counts as once.
Not true I have proof, similar to does a cat have nine lives? Not if it meets a four wheeled object when crossing the road!
I've never been a bride...or bridesmaid :(
All say Ahhhhhhh
I was a bridesmaid three times and have also been married a long time. It is a myth.
I have been a bridesmaid six times - and married twice !!
Question Author
then maybe it should be 3 times a bridesmaid will be a brida hehe

Nah doubt it, thanks everyone

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3 times a bridesmaid never a bride?

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