Help wanted, any one have any good herbal remedies for hot flushes, night sweats, loss of sleep, tiredness etc dont want to use hrt , any tried and tested methods that you can reccomend would be great
Thanks crete , have looked around in health shops so many different pills, potions so thought id go for ones that others have tried and reccomend gypsy x
Sage tea is apparantly good for hot flushes. You can get it in tablet form from health food shops. Increasing your intake of Soya (milk, yoghurts) if you like the taste. Or again you can get tablet form from heath food shops.
If you have a Holland and Barrett in your area. Go ask one of the staff. They were very helpful, and they have a huge range of stuff for menopause. Good luck.
thanks ratter i needed to smile , and thanks to replys so far i have been on hrt after having a major op. but have to come off it now and even by coming off slowly things are getting worse doctors not much help. I am up for work 4.30 every day and losing sleep due to sweats is a nightmare,
Crete because i have a few other health problems at the moment , that the doctors cant find a reason for they want to stop my hrt been on it a few years now
Good that you are coming off HRT its not without its side effects ie, more chance of developing breat and cervical cancer. A mate of mine swears by BlackCosh, but each person differs.
Try Menopace ..available in most chemists and health shops .
Worked for me. I was on HRT for a while but it was horrible .
Black cohosh is OK but only in the short term can have side effects.Get your liver function checked before taking it .
Night sweats ..what can I say ..been there ..cotton sheets and nightwear shower before bed on ..avoid caffiene and alcohol before bed will pass but I do sympathise ...