makemesmile, you can rate an answer on your own thread if you think they've provided a good answer. Just click on 'rate this answer' and give them however many stars you think they deserve.
no need cos the ed will see it all if she is bothered about it, i have no idea how i ended up feeling the brunt of her wrath because i reread the stuff and she had convinced herself i was to blame for something whilst i was still driving home form work!
The oddest part about it, was when in the end she said that she thought you were OK (as if apologising for having a go), and it almost seemed like she had been testing you, for some kind of reaction, or something....WIERD !!
Hey everyone?! Have we all recovered from the craziness earlier?! hope so! I'm not green anymore but still a newbie as nobody really knows me much yet! However, I like coming onto AB and feel like there are a good bunch of other people on here so I hope in time people will see me as a regular and give me a cyber-hug when I sign in! hehe! By the way Dot, I read some of a thread where someone was being a bit off with you (maybe the one in question or another one?!) and I couldn't see why you were in the firing line- I thought your answers to that thread were really sweet and funny and I felt a bit bad for you...hope all is well again though and nobody gets picked on/argues anymore because it just spoils the whole mood. Peace out! :)
i was banned for ages for the thread about billy no mates and writing daft songs and sending dup questions and i kept asking about being banned and when will it stop so now iam on my best behaveoir lol