there's a cream you can get on prescription called Doublebase which has worked for my friend with psoriasis on her cheek, and she's tried everything! Including Nizoral... be wary of steroid creams from your doctor, they can often work in the short term but then make your condition worse later.
My friend has really bad psoriasis and the only thing that helps her out is sunbeds. She has a minione for her face and a full sized one too.
I would personally not go on a sunbed, very paranoid about getting too freckley and dont like the idea of skin cancer much but if I had psoriasis I am sure I would be singing a different song.
As above. I've had it for the last 20 years. Although it has cleared by itself generally the only thing that i've found that actually works is sun bathing or sunbeds. My doctors sent me for special sunbeds when it was at it's worst.
For years I have tested so many techniques to help my Psoriasis, and some things have helped more than others. Some things I have done have worked very well. Many other people have different stories on what helped them the most. For more informations, visit