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What are you the most proud of?

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Eve | 22:39 Fri 06th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
46 Answers
What are you the most proud of?


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Eh! you on the right thread nat?
yeah sorry no kids or accountant job at 21.
Question Author
Ignore her Nat, I have no kids either.

Ghana sounds amazing! I did some voluntary work in Romania and it was an amazing experience.

We should both be proud :) x
Cheers Jen - yeah dont worry im very aware "adonia".

Voluntary work (especially in a countries like Ghana and Romania) is definitely something to be proud of! Suppose you need to have experienced it to really know how rewarding it is. ;O) x
buying my first house at 25 on a really low wage (i mean really low as an accounts clerk), now living in my second house twice the size with a games room at the bottom of the garden and now have my own business.
the fact that everyone on this site just adores me, yes im trying to be funny, it is a friday night after all lol
Being there for my son, holding him in my arms until he breathed his last breath.

The unbelievable bravery with which my son fought his brain cancer and the way he touched people's hearts with his spirit, his love, his crazy sense of humour and his contagious smile.

My daughter for getting her degree as a teacher after loosing her brother and for giving me the three most amazing grandchildren.

Winning my own fight for life against all odds.

Having won the love of the most wonderful, caring man in the world.
Question Author
Awww Crete, I like you :)
I adore you crete ;-) I know, im cheeky!!!!
Well we do crete!
Sorry I made my last posting so long again ... incorrigible me!
Question Author
but beautifully and touchingly and put Carakeel as ever, you can write posts as long as you like, I think we could all learn a lot from your kindness and bravery x
carakeel, there i was trying to have a laugh and now i feel really stupid im sorry for abusing the question when genuine people like you have a great experience to share with us all.
well ive had enough 3 people being nice to me on a post is too much, be well you nice people,
Crete, no question can ever be abused with a little bit of humour!!
Question Author
you too crete and please don't feel stupid, we all need to laugh as much as anything else :) x
Aawww thanks Jenna, you really are so sweet.
Crete, you are lovely and I hope I haven't been the cause of your leaving. Come back! :o)
im like a dog with a bone see you all tomorrow. sleep well.
apologies to nat

forgot where i was for a mo

volunteer work is very rewarding

i wish you well
quiting drinking 5 years ago.
well done bimbim.x

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