If you wear ear plugs all the time you can end up with quite nasty infections in the outer and inner ear. They can also push wax and dirt further into you ears. If you do have to wear them then try to use daily disposable ones, so that you are reducing the risk of infections. If you are a light sleeper, try taking night time Kalms. These should give you a good night's sleep, are natural and not too expensive. Good luck!
Yes, I'd agree it is not good to wear them all the time.
The gunk doesn't get a chance to get out of your ears. Also, I think the extra warmth and the lack of fresh air they cause in your ear's innards render it prone to infections. I found excessive, continuous use gave me vertigo (infection in inner ear). So I'm now very careful not to wear them for more than acouple of nights consecutively.
I recently wore them for 2 weeks while on holiday & have had trouble with one ear since coming home 2 weeks ago. It`s gradually getting better. My answer would be yes.