Good Morning Steve, well done you, this is a really positive step forward!
Surrey Girl is right drink lots of water - 8 glasses a day is recommended - this hydrates your body and skin and also cleanses you internally and removes toxins from the body which helps keep the skin clear.
Clean skin is very important and so is gentle exfoliating (removal of dead skin cells) the best way to do this is with Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish, although this is a 'womans' product loads of men use it, so don't be put off. It's relatively inexpensive. ange=1&groupid=1&mnuid=1
Eating loads of fruit and veg is also a good plan - again a quick way of getting loads in one go is making a smoothie - assorted fruit like banana, berries, mango, peach etc, dollop of yogurt, honey if you like, an some milk, in a liquidiser - yummy!
Making homemade vegetable soup is another good way of getting five a day also simple, fry of a few onions in a little olive oil add vegetables of choice, carrotts celery, potato, tomato etc stock cube some water and simmer until cooked then liquidise.
(You may notice a liquidiser or hand held 'whizzer' is fairly useful in a healthy eating programme !! )
Swimming is great exercise as is cycling and walking.
You're doing great Steve I'm really proud of you!