Ok so this started like 3 or 4 days ago...My nipples are very itchy but too tender to even scratch ... I have been putting lotion on but nothing seems to be working. I was reading some comments that most ppl think its a sign of being pregnant but i dont think so i just finished my period about a week and a half ago, so i doubt i would know this soon ...would I???
well it wasnt as long as usual, I have no changed my laundry soap or anything , using the same as usual. Thanks for the answer, I just got a little nervous when i seen all the post's about pregnacy.
tiffany, was it short and light? Is it possible that you could be pregnant?
It is possible to have a light bleed (mistaken for period) when pregnant, this is sometimes refered to as an implantation bleed.
If you have any reason to think that you could be pregnant then i suggest you go out and get a test now. It should be fairly accurate by this time if you are pregnant.
I had 'periods' all through my pregnancy, which is why I didn't find out till I was 7 and half months gone so if there is a possibility that you are then go do a test, if it's negative then get to the GP or phone NHS direct, as my earlier link suggests it could just be a bit of eczema or something, best to get it checked.
blimey Kate, that mustve been a shock! just 6 weeks to prepare for birth!
I have a friend who found out at 5.5 months, she had just been to see a fertility clinic and they told her to go away and lose weight.
It was indeed a shock, they couldn't figure out the due date either as I'd been bleeding all the way through so lots of scans and feeling about gave them an estimate!! Funnily enough I'd had a colposcopy and even they hadn't picked up on the fact I was pregnant, when I found out I called them and was simply told that if there'd been a problem I would've miscarried by now, nice!!
Anyway Tiffany sorry for hijacking, as for the nipple thing, may sound daft but do you have a dog or cat? would it be possible for one of their hairs to have irritated you? I ask as my dog has course hair and if I get one on my skin I itch like mad!!
Didn't feel the baby moving at all through those months. No pregnancy symptoms whatsoever, in fact I only found out as I went for a check up after the colposcopy and the doctor told me I should take a test, I did, he congratulated me, I left the surgery, bought lots of home pregnancy tests and did them all, I was still in shock when they induced me!!
Tiffany - I had a similar thing month's ago, found out the perfume i was spraying over me was getting through my clothes & bra! & I was allergic to it.
I really dont think i am pregnant at all, I had cramps ... not sure if u would if u were pregnant. Also i have not changed any products and i have no animals...but i think i will get checked anyways ... Thanks for all the answers:)