this afternoon in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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this afternoon

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bobtheturkey | 21:06 Sun 22nd Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
18 Answers
i was relaxing with my mug of ovaltine while watching the 1989 series of bullseye on video when i heard my next door neighbour (mrs harris) clearly "at it" with her latest victim , the thing is i heard my name being screamed by her! now i know for a fact that the blokes name is archi as he is in the same crown green bowling club as i am in fact we won the pairs title in august and picked up a lovely set of oven gloves each as the prize.
i dont want to my name dragged in mrs h's sordid little world i only ever had one night with her in the back of my cortina estate which went pear shaped when she found my bottle of blue pills under the seat what should i do ?
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please keep quiet about it... it was me with your neighbour...
She might have been calling your name for some help. I think you should change to Bobthechicken.
what if she were shouting for help
if not she sounds a randy little ******
You're going to have to talk to her Bob. She has to be told that this kind of thing just isn't on!x
have another mug of ovaltine and go back to sleep, sweet dreams.
Are you sure that it wasnt Archie shouting give me a Gobble Gobble.

Why would any body have 1998 series of bulseye on video??
tut Ratter, never heard of ebay?
Was she shouting 'oh bob, bob' or 'oh turkey, turkey'? if the latter, she may well be a farepak hampers victim..or reminding Archie that he needs to order from the christmas leaflet the milkman left yesterday.

If the former, I would imagine it could be her yelling instructions to Archie regarding a sexual nature...
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1989 tis a classic :)
Was that the one with Cliff Lazarenko, bob?
Oooh I say Bob my love!

Was it just gobble gobble you heard and got the wrong idea deary?

Sorry, couldn't resist lol..and where's that thing you promised me huh? xxx
Awww Mr Ratter you beat me too it!!! really should ave read the replies properly first.

Note to self, less haste to make crude remarks, I shall go stand in the corner now....
I love watching the old re-runs of bulls eye takes me back to my youth,

Bob my neighbour is called mrs harris too but thank god no noise comes from there any more. Its a strange one that prehaps she was imaging you instead of this poor chap to get a bit more excited?

Tell her that she needs to get a builder in as the walls have gone far to thin in their old age and you thought your house had been moved to Japan because it seemed like they were made of paper with all that noise coming through,
What ever you decide ... Good Luck!
was it a mark 1 or mark 2?
1990 series was the best....show 11, I WAS ON IT!
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Utterley, utterley bonkers!!!!!!!!!
I love your posts Bob, they always make me chuckle : )))
Make her a bovrill and slip her a red pill.... that'll sort everything.

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