I'll state the obvious first, which is that you should really see your doc as there could be any numbers of causes. If your eyes feel itchy or scratchy and/or have a gooey discharge, especially in the morning when you wake up, this could indicate an infection or allergic reaction. I used to get conjunctivitis quite often when I was younger and used to use some eye drops called Opticrom (which you can now buy over the counter), which I found were really good (though of course you shouldn't really use any sort of medication without the recommendation of your doctor). Have you recently started using any different products that could have caused an allergic reaction, like shampoo, face wash stuff etc etc, although you can become suddenly allergic to things at any time even if you have used them for many years. You can also get blood shot eyes if your eyes are strained and if you are tired, so if you also have headaches too, perhaps this could be the cause? Finally, those eye-whitening drops only work in the short term. They work by constricting the blood vessels in your eyes and can make the problem worse after repeated use.