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im very curious to know ?

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crete | 16:45 Thu 02nd Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
74 Answers
how is it that some abers we take a likeing to and other abers we just cant abide just by their answers should we be so judgemental? do you take all abers at face value or like me are you sceptical of the the way some portray themselves, lets be honest here who embelishes their lives to seem more interesting?


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I just answer the question no matter who they are. maybe the odd hello on abers I'm used to seeing. I have asked similar question before uestion305341.html
And no I always tell the truth. I have to my sis is on here :-) But I have a pretty exciting life to not have to embelish mine.
I don't lie but I am a bit judgmental. Really bad spelling (mine isnt great but I do try) and a 'yeah but no but' style get on my nerves and I can be a bit sarcastic!
so who are you sceptical of crete? I think you can tell half the people that lie on here anyway.
Well aside from the obvious (Sexy Russian etc) I think most people are pretty genuine. There are a few I don't understand at all (like whiffey's refusal to commit to being male or female) but that's just my lack of understanding of them generally and in no automatic way necessarily wrong of them. I don't understand the mania that for example wardy and johnlambert have to disprove each other having been in the army,and I don't know why that should be important. Can't they both have been in the army? Is it a competition? I like both of them, can't see why they hate each other.
Nope no embellishing, I maintain that my life is quite average and while very entertaining, I could stand some more dazzle in it!

I tend to take everyone at face value. I think it's very easy to invent yourself on the internet but it's not something I'd do. I'm pretty much the same here as I in the real world so to speak... possibly a bit more flirty on here but even then it's a close call.

And as for liking and disliking ABers, well I think I get on with almost everyone but as with any community type thing, there will always be some that you get along with better than others. I certainly don't go out of my way to make enemies.
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i knew you would be first to answer this question 4get. we know you have you sis on here because we see you both communicating on a daily basis and very often give the same answer to questions which is not unusual as you are sisters she often backs you up as you tend to answer before her. only an observation not a problem .but i find it interesting
I think everybody can be judgemental, to be honest crete I find some folks answers a little abrupt but I think its a matter of getting used to people, like any kind of environment really ! I live and let live though I would never slang somebody off or attack someone. Never been one for bullying me
sorry *slag*
I have never found it necessary to tell people that I am a top ranking surgeon and a bit of a nuclear physicist on the side, as a hobby, of course. that would just be showing off.

And I never fall out with people!!! ;-)
I'm just happy if I can answer the question (and perhaps help) - I don't take any notice of who asked it. Maybe I've not be looking at AB long enough, but I really don't have much of an opinion of ABers either way. If someone is embelishing their life, then how am I to know? Or care? I'm unlikely to meet anyone face-to-face, so you could all tell me you're members of the royle family if you wanted to - doesn't effect my life either way : )
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nox im really interesting in your comment re whiffey what is that all about i love whiffey great sense of humour i always thought they were male now im not sure .
she doesnt back me up she agrees with me half the time because we were bought up the same way. and alot of others tend to go with my pint of view but I'm not related to all of them, and I dont answer every question first, why are you so interested?
I must admit to having a mental like and dislike list, and a serious and flippant list, then another list of people I'm very comfortable with. On occasions I can be judgmental and sarcastic, but I generally reserve that for people I don't like, and most of those dwell in the News section..
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RATTER we know you are stephen hawkins stop pretending
what I dont like and this is something I Have stated on another post is when someone asks what is your opinion and only stars the posts that they agree with even after asking for opinions. I tend to give all stars if I agree with them or not because people have gone to the trouble of answering.
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nox i agree just how scary is the news section at times but the last few days all quiet.
whiffey has said about her ex bloke before as a woman. But when asked he/she wont say what gender they are. Mmmmm
well unless they've "outed" themselves as either male or female, the last I heard during a heated debate whiffey was having with Zorro I think or it may have been his Zeus incarnation, was whiffey refusing to state his/ her gender, which I couldn't really understand, plus he/she does tend to claim to be from different towns of birth on a fairly regular basis, and will then quite happily own up. Seems a bit strange but I don't really have a problem with it, I find whiffey quite amusing and he/sher has good English too, so that's
i just take people how i find them
some i find to be false but most people are really nice and i think they are alot like me
its just the way of the world though isn't it?
not everyone gets on and not everyone has the same views. also 4getmenot and redcrx are bound to have similar views just like me and my brothers do but i am sure that if one said one thing and the other disagreed then they would show that, as they are individuals

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