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Losing inches!

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sallycroc | 13:28 Thu 09th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
I have a date in exactly 7 days...

I want to lose a bit of flab that hangs over my trousers...its not drastic just maybe 2-3 inches...

Anyway, I'm now cutting out sweets, junk, chips, etc.

Drinking loads of water and detox tea - so that should reduce bloat.

Does anyone have any tips?

I can't afford seaweed wraps, although I'm doing a lot of exercise...

Thanks guys! x


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If your problem is due to bloating/water retention, you could try celery seed tables (from Holland & Barratt etc). These help combat fluid retention.

Also, try (dry) body brushing. (Brushes available from Body Shop amongst others). This helps with lymphatic drainage and gets your circulation going. And maybe try a firming body lotion afterwards. Good luck : )
if none of the above answers work just wear bigger trousers.
Did you ask them out or did they ask you?
I can understand that you want to look your best, but if they were happy enough to agree to a date in the first place, don't worry too much or you will end up stressed and won't enjoy yourself.
relax and go with the flow.
ohh and good luck x
If you already have a date the guy obviously likes you as you are.
Don't crash diet, the weight will pile on again. Follow a healthy eating plan and if the date works out exercise wont be a problem!
If you're stressed and hungry you wont have such a good time.

p.s detoxing gives you spots and headaches so bear that on mind.
Dr Gillians 24 hour detox. do it straight away as it goes thru you like a dose of salts... & stay close to a loo.
Cut down or out the bread, cereal, cakes etc and drink plenty. Bump up and downstairs on your bottom, great for toning and keeps the family amused.
I'd be careful about bumping down the stairs, by the sounds of it, you might bring the house down.
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thanks guys all great answers...

he asked me out - I havent seen him in 2 years so I'm just a bit worried what he'll think. I'm the same size...

I'm just bloated I you know anyone who has tried celery seed tablets?

Any other ideas on what to eat?
Try eating NOTHING.....

Put your masking tape over your gob and stay away from the fridge.
Just turn up for your date naked and with beer!!! :o)

( I seem to be using this answer a lot recently )
Yeah, if you want to put him off for life.....
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Scarymary your advice is really appreciated. Thanks, you must feel so good.
I hardly think ScaryMary is the best looking person about. :-) I was gonna say same as Waaii. Good luck with the date. xx
Ignore it, sally, hun. I'm sure there's a reason why Mary is 'scary'! ;o)
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Where do I get gillians 24 hour detox?
I don't think Mary is scary, more of a silly billy. Anyway, just have plenty of water at least 2 ltrs a day, and plenty of fruit, melons are good and don't make your skin break out. Good luck with your date.
Or maybe a fat prat :-)
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what can I eat for dinner and lunch? snacks?
Polo's but not the outside bit! Good luck, have a great time
no snacks allowed.

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