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Are we that perfect?

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B00 | 19:37 Thu 09th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
51 Answers
OK- rant time

We've had a few posts from a 15 year old asking for advise, and what do the majority of people do? Take the pi$$ and make snide comments regarding her grammar and spelling!

This is what B&S has become? A 'Rip em apart unless we know and approve of them' Section?

Yes there's a very slim chance that it might be someone attempting to take the mickey out of us with an alias. However I'd rather look a twonk and try to help them than take the pi$$ out of a vulnerable kid.

What about if this kid has no one else she can talk this freely to about her problems? Can we say we've helped her??


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Hold my hands up . Suppose I am a guilty party ....but I do have my serious suspicions as to what is legitimate question and what is not. Fortunately, I have received nothing but help from fellow ABers . I am not worthy !!
Quick stock take here.

larkin has posted about "serious suspicions as to what is legitimate"

Oh dear ffs !! Suspicious ? Legitimate ? Who has any right to sit and make such value judgements !!

All we have on here are sequences of words. There are no nuances of facial expression, no ways to inject winks or warmth.

Much better to pick up on those posts from the 'regulars' which are genuinely and deliberately offensive and pompously arrogant (and sometimes horribly misspelt lol xx). Provided I end all my posts with take care then I can say anything I like, or so it seems. And it's also ok to be vile provided you come back on later and say it was only tongue-in-cheek, or a bit of fun.

yeah which you always come back and do whiffey?
Take care.
Captain Swab, I am talking about the REALLY nasty people, not the banter merchants. Yeah.
Thank god for whiffey,you are so kind and nice to everybody on here, what a lovely,polite person you are,so inoffensive, take care.
Yay Boo!

I agree with you, I'd rather take the post as genuine until proven otherwise. Some posts are very obviously wind ups and I would respond to as such but I never comment on spelling or grammar, we're not all perfect and sadly in this day and age there are people who can not read and write - they deserve to be helped not mocked.
Whiff, I agree with you to a point, and I do agree there are some real troublemakers on here, but picking them out, not your call!

Nor mine :-))
joby1, did I name anybody ?

It is so hard, so very hard, to distinguish a wind-up from genuine ill-feeling.
up yours whiffey . take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
larkin, I don't think you meant those x's.

I am suspicious, are you legitimate.

What is a 'legitimate' question ?
oh whiffey, they were legitimately sincere xxxxxxxxxxxxxxhere are some more to prove my legitimacy and sincerity.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh whiffey is so kind, I can feel the warmth from larkin towards him/her, or am I wrong ? can whiffey really be this kind or is it a front for a nasty piece of work ?

No could not be the latter,or could it ????
OK , thanks larkin, but the "up yours" is a bit of a clue.

Do I need to add a "me thinks" ? This is the hallmark of class.

I am sincere, thats why sometimes I'm not sympathetic, thats me, tell it how I see it !


therapy,, how much do ya charge P/H stinky one?
a clue to .......................??
Oh, I can see we've strayed off topic a little...
But although I completely disagree with the bullying.... and yes, it IS bullying.
The thing is, it's the way you appear on here, if, for example, you use text language like "u, bcos, c, etc" I can see why some people may get a little offended.... and i just see it unfair that people (regardless of gender and age) pick on weaker ones. The gerenal idea of this website is that you ask others "FOR HELP!!!"
I constantly get picked on for perfectly normal gammar accidents like using "your" Instead of "You're" How petty do you have to be? SERIOUSLY! If you understood it then thats all that matters. But.... that's just my opinion....

Oh and *waves* Hi Daddy Ray! xx
Spelt general wrong... : P
Take care and die. Take care.
Hello silver,

Hope you are well, you are one of the most sensible people on this site, if everyone was as nice & friendly as you on here,nobody would have anything to moan about,just stay as you are, I think you talk a lot of sense,
I will get a telling off for saying it,but here goes, take care,Daddy Ray xx

Oh god,probably get another ticking off for saying "Daddy"

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