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i went back

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generationga | 00:03 Sat 11th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
58 Answers
a while ago i asked a q about leaving my woman.i didnt,other men wanted to be with her so i had to stay with her to stop anyone else getting to her.
she does everything for me she would have made someone a very happy man shes the perfect wife.
although i dont really want to be here,i just get up and go in the morning and go leave her to look after the kids,then i get back when i know she'll be in bed.iv'e even managed to stop her phoning me,she should be ok,she wants more romance but i dont really know what that is?any advice?


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sorry...just to confirm my last post was agrreing with miss-read dont wanna be accused of agreeing with anyone im not
I think he is just a little upstart looking for a bad response, gives him a buzz, its a control thing!!
I don't 'do' marriage either, I don't have my own head up my @rse though!

Listen to yourself! How will your child ever thank you for how you treat their mother?!
It doesn't sound as if this lady is 'his woman' at all. If she was, then generationga wouldn't even have to post the question.
You can't own people generationga. You can't possibly be a happy man. Find someone who does make you happy and who you can also make happy. Don't make these peoples' lives as unhappy as your's obviously is.

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are you crazy!!shes a church girl .
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shed never cheat
whats that got to do with anything? she cant be that church-y if shes had a child outside of wedlock
LMAO, Blyss! She's got to be, hasn't she? Good on 'er!

Girls, this must be a wind up. Ignore him.
...ya know what they say ...the husband is always the last to find out....
You really are one pathetic fool generationga!!
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thats what i questioned her about,thats why i felt that she couldnt be trusted before so we broke up.but then i didnt know what to do with the whole thing couldnt leave my baby around a woman who just has kid willy nilly!!!y'get me!!man i stop her getting used,she can be nieve
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whats blyss?
**** faced ******.

I hope she leaves your sorry arse and take the bank balance as well.
She may not be the only one who is na�ve, love.
generationga, just let her go and make her own life before you screw it up even more.
the word is naive and she obviously was as she fell for you! Poor girl! You stand no chance of getting much support from anyone here as you clearly don't give a toss about this woman or her child. If you did, you would put some effort into making the relationship work. But if you don't love her, then there is no chance of that happening anyway. So let her have a life! You say she is naive - ... and you are not? You are as much to blame for having a child in a loveless relationship as she is ... in fact more, as you say she does actually love you. What's your excuse then????
Oh my God you lot....this is such a wind up!
I hope so ..but if not ..hes still a **** ..prolly a 17 yr old **** ..who GF got her council house cus she was only 16 when she had the baby .

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