Hi Bob,
I hope you are not going to be put out of a job but personally I bought one of those lovely plastic covers for mine. (Wheelie-bin) You may have seen them, a collage of ivy leaves or tasteful pink flowers to blend in with your garden (I chose the begonias of course) In case you havn't seen these ask for a copy of that lovely little magazine Presents Extra (so many refined and tasteful things) when you next go for your Bulgarian Teapot Monthly (haven't they become collectable now since that lovely David Dickenson displayed his) I do feel it was harsh to penalise you and the lovely Brenda for what was obviously and oversight on her part, I do hope her arse was not damaged in the ensueing mellee. Enjoy your garibaldi and Bovril. I dunk mine do you? Wasn't Rover a joy to watch, the way he picked up that sheep and deposited it right at the judges feet.... So clever!.