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danielwilson | 23:39 Sat 18th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
106 Answers
who is the prettiest female on ab? i have never seen any so was just interested in what the blokes who are here regularly say.


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Elvis.. RG ... MSN?
I dont have it to post and i wouldn't anyway :)))) you forgot about me? forgot? major huff majorly big huff :)))))) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
there not upside down thats a fact ..would make a 69 ..kinda funky
manage a toi ladies?
Is that an order Orangesauce?
i ma never on MSN, i dont know how to use it?
What not mange tout :-).....
Well I do give orders... but more of a Q? I wouldnt be sooo rude..well not on a first conversation any way lol
nursecarla........... i never forgot you! i was waiting for you to make your grande entrance.....then i wanted to mention you, but i spoilt it!
Can I just ask who is danielwilson and has he actually got involved with this thread at all/..... or is he simply watching us all like a little experiment??
Were they not a pop group? :)))))) xxxxx no Ruglely its too late take take your coat and make for the doghouse :))) xxxxxxxx
ohhhh....cant we start again??? i dont like the dog house.....its so cold?
intheclub............what a great email addy!!!
btw..I dont want no weirdos emailing me..Thanks ;o)
Ok i will back away now lol...
so you just set yourself up RG
and from the response i think i like it!!!
of the current crop of AB ladies i would have to have the top three honeys as...
1) the lovely sasha
2)cluuur buuur
3)the bannable jenna!!

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