wouldn't touch that stuff with a barge pole! What annoys me is the number of childrens products that contain it. Don't worry about toothkind, what about brainkind? Rather have sugar and clean my teeth!
According to the conspiracy theorist, David Icke, aspartame is a manufactured sweetner within our drinks and foods and is believed to be an effective mind- suppressant for the masses. Icke belives that 'the powers that be' want people to be 'in the dark' and heavily controlled. All very radical and scary, I know, but I strenuously believe this and I myself, try to avoid aspartame wherever possible. Don't be a tool! Think for yourself! Peace out... :-)
no. these are ill constructed urban myths: aspartame is made from two amino acids (the building blocks that make up proteins - and so VITAL for life). the amino acids in question are Aspartic acid and phenylalanine i think. when aspartame reaches the stomach it is broken down by an enzyme called pepsin into its constituent parts and is then either used in the body for energy or making new protein or excreted.