if you've had a question asking why your question was removed removed, why post another question asking why that one was removed? Whats the point? This is the body and soul section. Would you post in science asking why questions had been removed? Sorry, i know i sound grumpy but come on, this could go on all day with the question being removed, and you asking why. I would guess the posts are being removed for a reason so there is no reason to suspect that this one will not be removed also is there? To be honest, i havent reported any, but it makes my report finger itchy when people make posts moaning about posts being removed, clogging up the section that is supposed to be for people asking q's about body and soul. I know i mKE myself unpopular having this view, but im just trying to honestly make you understand why your posts may have been banned : ie they have nothing to do with this section and are a bit boring to carry on reading