My experience of this type of confrontational situation has always been based on what I learned as a young man, which I am now not.
The entire situation revolves around confidence or more to the point displaying MASSIVE confidence even if your insides are churning. The guy I am remembering was a large Scottish guy who although handy was really a very placid man. He would wade into volitile situations and square up to the physically largest of the group on offer. He would then speak oh so casually and when that person responded with threats of all sorts, Jock would look him in the eye and slowly, in his best Glasweigan accent, say"If you want to start something, go ahead. But I advise you of this pal, only start what you are certain you can finish".
The effect of this was absolutely astonishing. What he was always careful to make sure of was that there was always a way out for the individual not to lose face. He would then take all the threats about if I see you around - you just wait until my brothers home from the army - keep looking over your shoulder and so on and on.
What the opponent always believed though was that Jock would cripple him. Whether he could have, would have one never found out. But his strong, concentrated confidence was poetry in motion.
Moral. Do this or if you can't - leg it.