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Why would you want to do it?

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sandrajo | 00:57 Sun 26th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
If you could do something that you've never done before, what would it be?


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spend a million quid in a day


Swim with dolphins.

Help out at an animal santuary, maybe a safari one such as Born Free.

hey! we could all skydive together!
Ooooh yes, for charity :)

Have our very own AB formation lol :)

My ex said he'll take me skydiving as he does it loads :)
Jenna1978, why don't you go and find another site to use. God woman you are so boring. No wonder people have stopped using answerbank. I sign into this site and see YOU everywhere. Do us all a favour and **** off.
It's been there done that with you, go away please.

like my mums gravy
Lmao at Bob. I would love to travel around the world.x
Tell my mum and dad i loved them , both passed away now.
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bob you really do puzzle me sometimes lol
well in 29 years of sunday dinners sandra she still hasn't got round to realising the fact i dont like gravy and never will :)
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aw your mum still feeds you every sunday, isn't that lovely : )

why don't you just tell her you don't like gravy, wouldn't be to difficult would it
i do every sunday
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lol, does she not listen to you either then : )
no but thats a female thing isnt it
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pardon, did you say something ; )
if i include shopping in every sentence would that work :)
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amazing that I can hear you now : )
Commit murder ...

p.s. if at first you don't succeed ... avoid skydiving (you listening Daave & Jemma1978?) ... lol
The spend a million quid in a day idea is good, but...

I'd really really want to visit never never land. I know this is impossible but it's something I've always wanted to do since reading Peter Pan as a kid....

I suppose I'd also like to visit vietnam (sp?) as a realistic option.

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