I don't know, but I had a really big plop the other day and I have been trying to lose weight, guess what, I weighed more after the plop than before, how does that work ????
thats the thing I dont take any drugs but I have the best imgination and if I sound mental asking, hey who cares. Would be great to know though, maybe one of those German weirdos that like to advertise for people to eat them might try it out for me.
Have just been told that apparently you�d weight less, they did some thing on braniac where they weighed a man then made him eat a 1/4lber and he weighed less because your body breaks food down and uses some 4 energy.
Well you have kinda answered your own question. When you eat food of a certain weight that �weight� is not added to you, because of the process of ingestion does all kinds of things to food on its way down. Your weight will be affected by the fat content and additional nutrients contained within the matter of what you are eating. To try this you would need to be legless but in the end armless. Probably.
The key is that you will be removing more weight than your body would actually consume, so you are kinda right in an unscientific way methinks.
Wow thanks, I'd like to thank my mum, dad for making me who I am today and all fellow a-bankers for supporting me through my most weirdest moments. :-)