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Where and What are you/doing

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nursecarla | 18:44 Sun 03rd Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
Where are you and what are you doing (other than being online ) im curled up on couch eating a big bar of galaxy listening to music :)))) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Just had some cheese and playing 20 questions on MSN with my favourite person ;)
Want some Galaxy now though!
I cuddled up in a duvet on the sofa at home listening to music with a lovely glass of cranberry juice.

Went to town earlier and treated myself to a bratwurst from the Christmas Market then a Starbucks Christmas blend with irish cream so just had that :)

Was chatting to your lovely brother earlier too :) xxxxxx
Hi carla, I have my music playing, leonard cohen, james Taylor, Buffy saint marie, real easy listening, I am also eating whole nut chocolate with mrs sparx beside me on the sofa. thanks for asking.
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Hi Jenna, Hi Ray both sound really nice i hope you are sharing with Mrs S :))) xxxxx
Well Ray's sat between me and Mrs S so I can't reach :( He has control of the chocolate and is handing us out little pieces now and then.
Hi carla, I have to ask, ladies are always in charge of chocolate aren't they ? she told me that is the law. xx
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Yes indeed Ray but Jenna will feed you a square once an hour dont worry :)))) xxxxxxxxxxxx
I am sitting here on line trying to learn my cricket laws as I want to become an umpire.

How exiting is that??

lying on my couch watching the Spanish footie....still nursing a bad hangover from last night
Nice to see Beckham play.
apparently he wants to buy a Galaxy just like helliebobs....LA Galaxy
I'm on my sofa after just getting out of the bath...Listening to The Cure..
im watching the spainish footie too

my brother and my neice have gone for her 18th birthday

they are in the top left corner flag as we look, but ive not seen them.....
Hi Carla!

It must be choccie night as I am digging into a box of Milk Tray Mr P bought for me earlier :o)

I am also listening to music...Maroon 5.
Carla...can I have 3 red kisses on my answer please
'Evening, carla! :o)

I'm in our dining room on the PC and perched on one of our bloody uncomfy chairs! :o(

We've got our Christmas CD playing as my mum is still putting up our deccies (it's like a grotto in every room!) and I'm just looking through the photos on my camera of my night out last night. <cringe> :o) xxx
lets see the fotos CB
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Hellie really really sorry i missed your answer :((( xxxxxxxxx wonder who your fav is :)))) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
That's ok carla!
I think you know him - he may have stolen some of that galaxy!
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Some? try all :(((( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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